
Bag Massagers for compacted or otherwise difficult to discharge Bulk Bags


Let’s face it, there are some bulk bags of compacted or hardened material that really are beyond economic recovery? Yes, you can sometimes use stand-alone hydraulic breakers/bulk bag conditioners to split the contents into lumps but these devices are time-consuming, costly and space-taking. In certain instances, they have been known to break bags open – spilling their contents. This is often because the contents of a bag have nowhere to flow during ‘conditioning’. Our experience is that around 95% of compacted or otherwise difficult to discharge bulk bags will succumb to the ‘earth-quaking’ treatment imparted by one, or more, of the integral, cost effective ‘massagers’ offered for their comprehensive range of Bulk Bag Dischargers/Unloaders. Of course, when installed on a Discharger, the massaged contents of the bag are able to commence discharge improving the effectiveness of the massagers during the process. Pneumatic powered ‘Massage’ Paddles are used to aid the flow of cohesive, sticky and otherwise difficult non-free flowing materials. We offer three types of massagers for our range of Dischargers: side massagers – these can be moved vertically to ascertain the optimum position but it is usually within the lower one third of the bag, base massagers break up material that has become compacted across the base of the bag and corner massagers ensure that maximum solid lump breaking forces are applied from opposite cross corners. It also ensures all four corners of the bag are truly emptied. They work in two ways: one by ‘earth-quaking’ compacted or cohesive materials to break the bonds between particles – thus enabling them to flow more readily’ and two: they push material from the extremities of the bag, where they may be supported by its flat bottom, to above the outlet spout where it has no option but to fall out of the bag! All the time that this massaging and discharging is taking place, our patented spring support arms are stretching the bag and any liner vertically to ensure that no product is held up by folds in the bag or its liner. Often, the only way to identify the right type of massager, or combination of massagers, is for us to conduct trials in our test facility or at the customer’s site. Of course, because of our vast experience we, more often and not, can predict the correct set up for these trials that the customer can witness in person or via a live video link as preferred. Because ‘earth-quaked’ lumps of product are not ideally suited for repackaging or further processing, we also offer a variety of lump-breaker and sifting systems (which can also be an integral part of a Bulk Bag Discharger) to ensure that only material within the required specification is delivered to the packing or processing machine. And, of course, we offer both mechanical and pneumatic conveying system too for the transfer of product to the next process.

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