
Work Experience at Newson Gale Manufacturing Unit


Work experience is an extremely important part of education and is intended to give a student an idea of real working life and help to provide them with the key skills needed within the workplace. Newson Gale recently took on a 15 year old student from a local college in a week’s work experience, and following his introduction to the world of static earthing products he summarized his experience as follows… " I wondered to myself when i first arrived – would I be actually doing anything important? will it be valuable work or just making tea and cleaning. However, after an initial interview and informative induction on fire safety and manual handling, I was shown around the offices and workshop, where I would be doing my work. Everyone was very welcoming and ii had a great time doing my work experience there. During my week i was there, I was shown the strictly controlled procedures where products such as Bond Rite and X90-IP clamps are assembled and tested. Having completed a week experiencing engineering first hand, it has given me thoughts about a definite occupation that I would like to explore further when I have left college; whether it be chemical or electrical, I loved the practicality of the work that had been assigned to me. ”

Visit the Newson Gale website for more information on Work Experience at Newson Gale Manufacturing Unit


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