
Dry vacuum practical demonstration roadshow


“Throughout my career, I have purchased approximately 22 of your competitors’ Dry Running Vacuum pumps but never realised, until now, that there was a genuine solution to the common failures associated with internal deposition....”. These were the words of a highly respected Technical Manager employed within an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Manufacturer, Italy. Almost 1000 process engineering-centric people have now witnessed the "new" Dry vacuum practical demonstration roadshow. Most importantly, the response has been incredible and there have been numerous requests to return for training, consultancy, service, and simple support reasons. Starting in the UK, Shaun Hampson drove 6000km all around Europe with the Dry Vacuum Roadshow vehicle coupled to thirty years of chemical processing experience. The Roadshow vehicle is constructed to demonstrate the not-so-obvious integration problems associated with Dry Vacuum pump technology when employed in hydro-carbon process distillation. Self contained with it's own electrical power supply, the Roadshow is fitted-out to a very high level and includes: 3D technology; an operational ATEX 160 m3/hr dry vacuum pump capable of <1mbara; Live and remote Condition Based Monitoring training and demonstrations; Magnetic drive centrifugal pump models; Comfortable seating and even a high-end ground Italian coffee machine.

Visit the Sterling Fluid Systems website for more information on Dry vacuum practical demonstration roadshow


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