Pluscrates sponsor 'Commercial Mover of the Year'
The BAR's Commercial Group Chairman - Mark Herrington - says "We received some excellent proposals to sponsor the CMotY competition. The Pluscrates proposal showed real desire to promote our flagship competition for at least the next three years, get involved in the process and to really assist the winner in the marketing of the award".
"We are very please to be associated with the BAR's Commercial Moving Group in supporting the CMotY Award" says John Mitchell, Managing Director, Pluscrates. "Well recognised within the FM sector, it is a highly coveted award and rightly so. Past winners, together with those entrants who have achieved Certificates of Merit, all bear testimony to the value of their participation and their achievements. We look forward to enhancing this value in partnership with the CMG over the next 3 years'.Visit the Pluscrates Ltd website for more information on Pluscrates sponsor 'Commercial Mover of the Year'