
PFS build European elections with election selector


At PFS we manufacture the European and local councils election selector for the partially blind. It is a polypropylene device, which is called the ‘selector’, and it enables blind or partially blind people to vote without the aid of an assistant. Because of a change in the law in 2011, the Home Office required a way of helping blind and partially sighted people to vote without assistance. Traditionally they had to take an assistant into the booth to help in casting their vote. The law insists that all ballot papers are the same so a non electronic system had to be devised. The Home Office approached Goodwin Product Design, of Surrey, to design a way of aiding partically blinded voters in the polling stations. The ballot paper needed to stay the same, so a non-electronic device was needed. What Goodwin created as the Selector.....

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  • PFS build European elections with election selector