
Sky believes in better packaging


Digital broadcaster chooses the ingenious Lil Envelope for its new subscriber movie service Lil Packaging has signed a deal with Sky TV to help facilitate the digital broadcaster’s new “Buy and Keep” service. The service means that Sky’s millions of subscribers can build their movie collections with hard copy versions of films they watch on TV. As well as getting a high definition version of each movie straight to their Sky box, people who take up the service are sent a DVD copy in the post. The entertainment company turned to Lil to deliver a robust and economically viable mailing solution. After consultations they chose a custom-printed A1 Lil Envelope, which delivers cost-saving and strength advantages over traditional products such as bubble envelopes. “I’m a big film fan myself and thought straight away that Buy and Keep was a great idea”, said Lil sales director Fred Lil. “The movies are available 24/7 and you can watch them instantly, so you can choose something there and then that suits your mood. But receiving the DVD means you can keep it to watch whenever you want, without taking up space on your digital box. “We wanted to play our part in making the service a success by delivering a mailing solution that means each DVD arrives in pristine condition. The service is all about quality and collectability, so it’s vital that the cases don’t turn up damaged otherwise that would undermine the offering.” Lil Envelope certainly delivers on that score. The ingenious slim-line construction includes maximised corner stiffness, which reduces damage in transit. One major online retailer has reported 70% fewer returns (as well as 25% faster packaging) in comparison to bubble envelopes. As well as giving more protection than a standard 8mm DVD bubble mailer, the A1 envelope is just 1.8mm thick. That means it can be mailed by the much cheaper Royal Mail Letter tariff rather than Packet. And with millions of movies expected to be dispatched through the Buy and Keep service, Sky can expect some blockbuster savings year on year.

Visit the Lil Packaging website for more information on Sky believes in better packaging


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