Ultrasonics for Gough Screens and Sieves
With the inclusion of ultrasonic technology the Gough Vibratory Sieve range allows efficient screening and classification of materials and products from fine powders (60micron) up to products 50mm in diameter.And for extremely fine powders or blinding issues we can supply ultrasonic's either as new equipment or as a retrofit, Using cutting edge technology, frequency variation ultrasonic we can offer you greater throughput and elimination of hotspots with no pulsing operation.
What are Ultrasonic's?
With the inclusion of ultrasonic technology the Gough Vibratory Sieve range allows efficient screening and classification of materials and products from fine powders (60micron) up to products 50mm in diameter.
And for extremely fine powders or blinding issues we can supply ultrasonic's either as new equipment or as a retrofit, Using cutting edge technology, frequency variation ultrasonic we can offer you greater throughput and elimination of hotspots with no pulsing operation.
How does it work?
Gough have merged the technology of conventional circular screening with Ultrasonic aided alternative frequency. Applications include the addition of a resonator ring and a controller to the deck and mesh required for the screening process.
The provision of an Ultrasonic Vibration into a fine mesh can guarantee deblinded fine meshes without a mechanical aid.
Why choose Gough Ultrasonic's?
The system we provide have a mesh that remains un-blinded and improve throughput up to 6 fold. Cleaning in between operations can now be at a minimum, and batches can be screened more accurately with no manual intervention required whatsoever.
A consistent better quality product can now be produced.
Visit the Gough and Co. (Engineering) Ltd. website for more information on Ultrasonics for Gough Screens and Sieves