Company upgrades to state-of-the-art biomass boiler from Wood Waste Technology
The team at Wood Waste Technology has installed a state-of-the-art biomass hot water boiler system into G&P Cases Ltd, based in Wootton Bassett.
A family owned business, G&P Cases Ltd has been involved in the manufacture of industrial timber packaging solutions for the last 50 years, and has 15 staff who work in its 19,000 sq ft factory in Wiltshire.
The team at G&P Cases aren’t new to biomass, as they’ve been running a small wood burning warm air boiler in one part of the factory for over 10 years. Having experienced the benefits of biomass on a smaller scale, they decided it was time to upgrade to a larger biomass unit, in order to be able to burn more waste wood and achieve greater cost benefits and savings.
Save £8000 per annum on fuel!
The business calculated that a new biomass boiler could save around £8,000 a year on fuel for its gas space heating system, plus an additional £10,000 a year saving in skip costs by being able to burn more waste wood.
On top of that, the business realised it was eligible for the Government’s Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme, which offers substantial financial benefits to companies that invest in new biomass technology. So, as well as making considerable savings on heating and waste removal bills by burning waste to create energy, it means companies with successful RHI applications could earn around £17,000 - £21,500 a year, for 20 years, with a 209kw boiler depending on the actual heat used.
G&P Cases read about Wood Waste Technology’s new biomass boilers that could provide space heating for the factory, plus heating and domestic hot water for the rest of the building. They were impressed that, having been designed and tested to BSEN303-5-2012, the highest standard for efficiency and emissions, Wood Waste Technology’s revolutionary boiler is one of the most efficient wood waste boilers available in the UK. It has been independently tested at 92.4% efficiency, allowing it to qualify for the Energy Technology List. It was also the first in the UK to be declared fully compliant with the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme without the need for additional flue gas filtration equipment (significantly reducing the investment and on-going maintenance costs of a RHI compliant boiler), allowing customers to maximise their return from the RHI scheme by getting more money from every kilogram of fuel burnt.
Wood Waste Technology boilers can also operate in clean air zones under the Clean Air Act, as the boilers meet the two highest standards in emissions regulations, so are able to be used in even the sternest of jurisdictions in the UK. Wood Waste Technology also has a 100% success rate in RHI applications for companies burning chipboard and MDF.
Managing Director at G&P Cases, David Waldron says: “We’d already calculated a positive business case for buying a biomass boiler and were probably going ahead with it anyway – but once we’d factored in the RHI benefits, there was no reason not to do it! The new boiler dramatically reduces our heating and waste bills, and our RHI payments so far have been even better than expected, so we should definitely see a positive difference in our overall annual profit figure!”
Whilst investing in the new boiler, the team at G&P Cases took the opportunity to upgrade the extraction system, to integrate it properly into the new boiler and maximise best use of all the wood waste.
David continues: “We’re delighted that we’ve purchased our boiler from Wood Waste Technology – it was definitely the ideal, most effective solution for our company. Throughout the whole process, the team has been exceptionally helpful – not just with the purchase and installation of the boiler, but also by making sure we got the best deal with the RHI. We really liked the fact that everyone we talked to at Wood Waste Technology had technical knowledge about the product, instead of just getting through to a salesperson. It was so refreshing to be able to speak to someone who could properly talk us through all the technical benefits of the product, and fully answer our questions straight away.”
G&P cases also purchased a GAZ82 shredder, as well as a Putzmaus boiler tube cleaning system that allows them to quickly and easily clean the boiler, to help keep it running at maximum efficiency.
Wood Waste Technology’s years of expertise in wood waste solutions have helped many companies reduce their waste disposal and heating costs. As well as offering site survey, design, manufacture, installation and on-going maintenance for new units, the company also services all types of wood waste heaters and supplies genuine spares up to 60% cheaper than other suppliers.
As well as being a distributor for Putzmaus, Wood Waste Technology is also the UK official distributor for Gross Apparatebau GmbH, a German manufacturer of dependable, precision engineered shredders and briquetters, available in various size and specifications to suit all business applications.
Call Wood Waste Technology on 01785 250400 and start to recoup some value from the waste in your business, or visit, or to find out more.Visit the G and P Cases Ltd website for more information on Company upgrades to state-of-the-art biomass boiler from Wood Waste Technology