What will it cost to switch to Spill Hound?
A lot less than you might think. Obviously, you might expect us to say that, in order to convince you to buy Spill Hound. That's why we created the Spill Hound Calculator, which allows you to produce a personalised savings quotation based on the size and frequency of your spillages and the costs of the personnel that do the cleanup.
If you click the image to the right, it will take you directly to the Spill Hound Calculator.
You will need to know the following :
1. Hourly salary cost of your technicians
2. The hourly labour rate that you charge your customers
3. Typical number of spills per week
4. Typical size of spill in litresVisit the Fleming Technical Ltd website for more information on What will it cost to switch to Spill Hound?