Travel Tips
Below is a list of our top 9 travel tips, so make your trip as stress free as possible by taking our advice
1) Be sure you are entitled to import your personal belongings in to the country of destination, particularly if you are on a visa or permit.
2) Obtain your airline tracking number (Master Air Way Bill / MAWB) prior to your departure as you can check this number with the airline which we are using to transport your goods.
3) Airlines are not obliged to inform you of the arrival of your goods but do so out of courtesy, so be sure you are aware of its arrival.
4) It is always a good idea to arrive at your destination before your consignment, for if customs require your intervention then you can go and visit them.
5) Be aware that your shipment is considered cargo and will require a customs entry at destination and it is not a simple matter of going to the airline and asking for your bags. All providers of this type of service will have the same procedures on arrival at destination, unless you go as Excess Baggage directly through the airline on which you are travelling.
6) Always mark each bag, suitcase or carton with your name, address and telephone number in destination. If you do not they then look like every other piece of cargo in our warehouse.
7) It is a good idea not to pack more than you can carry. Generally about 20 kgs for females and 30 kgs for males. Remember the health and safety regulation state that an employee of a company may not carry more than 30 kgs at one time. This can be difficult when coming to collect your consignment from your residence.
8) If using cartons, always use new double walled cartons and not old crisp cartons as there is a fair amount of handling which the baggage is subjected to.
9) Never under pack your cartons because if other cartons are placed on top of your carton it will collapse and your belongings will suffer as a result. Rather cut the carton down to size and then seal it.Visit the Excess Bags website for more information on Travel Tips