
Now Is The Time To Order!


Time is an illusion. No one can give you time and as of yet, nobody can time travel. Time is a funny old thing…Saturday and Sunday fly past and Monday and Tuesday seems to last forever. Sound familiar? Even though they amount to the same amount of hours, they couldn’t feel more different. There is no way to beat time; it will always tick by no matter what you do. One thing you can do is be prepared, organised and ahead of the game. At Direct Packaging, we can help with that. We have increased capacities resulting in shorter lead times which means now is definitely the time to order your crimp bags from us. These back lap bottom seal bags are useful for various applications and can be manufactured in bespoke sizes and thicknesses to suit your needs. Our lead times will definitely increase so don’t hang around, get time on your side and give us a call! As Benjamin Franklin once said, “You may delay, but time will not”. Don’t just watch the clock tick; your competitors might not be as slow.

Visit the Direct Packaging Limited website for more information on Now Is The Time To Order!


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