BGB Celebrates Pride Month
We are celebrating Pride Month this June starting this week in our canteen at Dysart road and Turnpike office which have been decorated with rainbow bunting, flags, and some colourful cupcakes!
Pride is celebrated in the month of June, as that was the month when Stonewell riots took place. The Stonewell riots were protests which took place in 1969. Pride is a celebration of people coming together in love and friendship to show how far the LGBTQ + community has come, and how in some places there’s still lots of work be done.
The colours of the pride flag hold significant meanings, representing various values within the LGBTQIA+ community. These colours come together to create a beautiful and inclusive rainbow that celebrates diversity and unity. Pride month is important to all – so keep celebrating and raising awareness!
Visit the BGB website for more information on BGB Celebrates Pride Month