Applied Pumps supply Drum Pumps for Railway Service
May 2013 – We have found the perfect application for their range of Jessberger drum pumps. As a locomotive enters its service yard for replenishment of coolant, screen wash and lubricants etc these fluids must be fed into it from containers.
A portable, lightweight pump is therefore required that can cope with many different fluids of varying viscosity. The Jessberger JP-180 drum pump set is ideal for this application and has now been successfully chosen as the optimum solution. The JP-180 includes a 600Watt, 1ph motor c/w 1000mm long polypropylene pump tube which allows the pump unit to be used with a large variety of containers. Performance is perfect at up to150 litres/min and the pump is available for either a 110v or 230v or supply.
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