
Triplex Business Cards


Posted on March 24, 2014 Tripleplex business cards, what are they and what’s all the fuss about? Put simply a tripleplex business card is a paper sandwich, with coloured card as the filling, so tasty to look at but not to eat! This creates an eye catching band of colour to match your brand colour running through the middle of the card and also makes the card 3 times as thick as most ordinary cards. But our tripleplex business cards don’t just look stylish and feel tactile, they also work well as a great ice breaker, helping you to make a impressive first impression. Tripleplex Business Cards with coloured stripe to match your brand Tripleplex Business Cards with coloured stripe to match your brand What to personalise your Triplex Business Cards? No problemOur triplex business cards can also be printed with a variety of different designs on the back with a quantity split to suit you. So if you have an important sales pitch, exhibition or corporate event coming up you could personalise your card for this event and have the rest in a generic style for everyday use.

Visit the Ostle and Maillard Ltd website for more information on Triplex Business Cards


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