NIR-B 3XR - HPI - Reformer & Cracker Tube Furnace Thermal Imaging System
An infrared thermal imaging solution offering continuous, short-wavelength, 24/7 temperature monitoring for steam reformer and Ethylene cracker tube furnaces. NIR Borescope (NIR-B) 3XR is a radiometric infrared imaging camera optimised for continuous temperature measurements in steam reformer and cracker tube furnaces. Using the proven technology of AMETEK Land's advanced NIR thermal imager, NIR-B 3XR offers highly accurate measurements of high temperatures, enabling process control optimisation, energy efficiency savings and prolonging the lifetime of the reformer tubes. Producing real-time thermal data from 307,200 points across the high-resolution visual image, the imager connects to a PC running dedicated LIPS NIR processing software for accurate data analysis and long-term trending. By providing a wide temperature measurement range of 600 1800 C (1112 3272 oF), NIR-B 3XR provides the hydrocarbon processing industry a highly flexible imaging solution for the unique process conditions of reformer and cracker tube furnaces.Visit the AMETEK Land website for more information on NIR-B 3XR - HPI - Reformer & Cracker Tube Furnace Thermal Imaging System