
Semiconductor Probe Station: Probe System for Life™ (PS4L)

PS4L Key Features

Affordable advanced Semiconductor Probe StationAvailable in Manual, Semiautomatic and Fully Automatic VersionsPerpetually upgrade-able (Patented) from manual to fully automaticConfigured to suit exact application requirementsProbe pieces and single die, up to 300 mm wafersExtensive range of options: Thermal Systems, Optics, Software etc.

SemiProbe's modular Probe System for Life (PS4L) semiconductor probe station allows customers to configure and purchase a system according to their exact requirements or budget limitations. Thereafter, the systems can either be upgraded or reconfigured as needs change or budgets allow.

Key components such as the bases, wafer stages, platens, microscope stages, optics and manipulators are all interchangeable, enabling SemiProbe to build application specific probing solutions at economical prices

The PS4L concept also allows users to start with a manual probe station, which can then be fully field upgraded, adding automation, test functionality or resources through to semi or fully automatic configurations.

The PS4L is ideal for:

Companies who have application specific requirementsUniversities & facilities where requirements changeUniversities & companies developing new productsResearchers characterising devices & materialsHigh product mix manufactures & developersFacilities with extensive testing & resource requirementsLow to high volume facilitiesUsers with limited budgets

Unlimited Possibilities - PS4L Modular, Upgradable, Configurable, Affordable


PS4L Technical Downloads


SemiProbe Probe System For Life Overview



SemiProbe Corporate Overview Datasheet


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