
Xtreme® Rare Earth Grate Magnets

Want to find a reliable company offering Xtreme® Rare Earth Grate Magnets? You have come to the right spot! We are providing Xtreme® Rare Earth Grate Magnets in the UK. The Xtreme® RE separators available from Eriez remove weakly magnetic or very fine iron contaminants. They have more strength at a greater distance than conventional permanent magnets, higher gradients and increased holding force. This means they can reach out and attract weakly magnetic or very fine iron contaminants, and hold them so tightly that wipe-off by product flow is virtually eliminated. If you want more information regarding Xtreme® Rare Earth Grate Magnets, please contact us on +44 (0)29 2086 8501!

Visit the Eriez Magnetics Europe Ltd website for more information on Xtreme® Rare Earth Grate Magnets


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