
Saccharimeter - ADS420

The ADS420 Saccharimeter is a low cost automatic polarimeter specifically designed for use in busy sugar laboratories and tare houses. Operation is very simple by way of four graphically presented push buttons and therefore requires no on-screen language interpretation. Unlike other low cost polarimeters, the ADS420 uses an LED light source that requires no maintenance. A single temperature sensor provides the measurement for sugar compensation whilst quartz compensation facilitates accurate verification and calibration using a quartz control plate by accessing the span facility in the setup menu. Latest specification electronics within the instrument allows measurement of samples with low transmittance and should a sample be too dark or has entrapped air; the instrument will display an error message. Results are continually measured and displayed allowing easy assessment of stability. Although the ADS420 Saccharimeter can measure dark samples of up to 3 OD, for optimum performance it is ideal to remove color and suspended solids to provide a clear solution or one of less than 2.0 OD. For locations where lead based filtrates are not permitted, or where disposal costs restrict its use, the ADS480 NIR Saccharimeter offers lead-free operation when used in conjunction with a less toxic clarifier such as Cellite®. With accuracy to ±0.03 °Z, the ADS420 is compliant to the minimum requirements of ICUMSA for sodium wavelength analysis of clarified sugar cane/beet juice and processed sugar.

Visit the Bellingham + Stanley, a Xylem brand website for more information on Saccharimeter - ADS420


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