Handsan Alcohol Rub with Moisturiser
The Handsan Alcohol Rub with Moisturiser can evaporate from hands without leaving residue or odour. The Handsan Alcohol Rub with Moisturiser Contains skin moisturisers and is perfect in food areas and non-surgical medical care establishments. Handsan Alcohol Rub with Moisturiser is also available in clip bottle for convenience. Sucessful against Swine Flu (H1N1) and passes EN1500, EN14476 and EN1276 Pack sizes - 12 x 75ml (c/w Belt Clip), 10 x 100ml, 6 x 500ml (c/w Pump) & 2 x 5lt Order Codes: A051WEV (12 x 75ml) A051VEV (10 x 100ml) A051FEV (6 x 500ml) A051EEV2 (2 x 5lt)Visit the Aroma Janitorial website for more information on Handsan Alcohol Rub with Moisturiser