
About Us

Analytical Components is an increasingly evolving company delivering a personal, customer-orientated service, where we strive to build a strong working alliance with all of our clients to make sure that their specific needs are consistently met. We can provide frequent updates on the progress of your products, via telephone or email communication, or through personal visits to our production facility, which we strongly encourage. We respect customer confidentiality and consider it of high importance, offering NDAs when applicable.


  • Aluminium Overlays For Phosphor Screens

  • Conductive Coatings For Non Conductive Substrates

  • Dielectric Substrate Conductive Coatings

  • EBSD Phosphor Screens

  • EBSD Scintillators to Analyse Nuclear Materials

Analytical Components has 45 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 10 of 45 Products

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Analytical Components has 2 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 2 of 2 News